“It’s easy for me to sum up my feelings about
David and Avarelle. Put simply, they are the
wisest and most decent people I know. During
the nearly 30 years I have known Avarelle and
David, as their friend and as their client, I’ve
watched the development of their real estate
careers. I believe their great success as
Realtors can be traced to three qualities. First,
they have deep experience in law and finance,
in addition to real estate, and they are
extremely smart. So complex transactions
don’t intimidate them. They have seen all of
the twists and turns before, so they can
navigate their clients through difficult terrain
with confidence and ease. Second, they have
great compassion for others. They know that a
real estate purchase or sale is not simply a
business deal, but often an emotionally charged
and stressful event in a client’s life. So they put
their own egos aside, and take the time to
attend to the feelings and concerns of the
client. Third, they are tirelessly devoted to
their client’s happiness. It is their standard
operating procedure to go the extra mile. Each
of these qualities is rare. The combination is
practically a miracle. Just the sort of stuff role
models are made of.”
Jeff Rovner
Managing Director for
Information at O'Melveny
& Myers LLP